At least you have a computer to read this post on...
At least you know how to read.
At least you're studying in a good college.
At least you're studying...
At least you don't have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. At least your parents are paying for your next meal. At least you have parents...
At least you know where you're sleeping tonight. At least you know you are sleeping tonight...
At least, even if if someone broke your heart, you know how it's like to have someone who has the capacity to break your heart. At least you have a heart to be broken.
At least, even if you're sad, you've once known happiness. At least you've known happiness.
At least you had friends once, even if you think you have none now.
At least you have money, to drive, to take a bus, a train or some other thing to get where you want to go now. At least you know how to drive.
At least you have a friend to call, whenever you're feeling low as shit, when you feel you can do nothing else except to cry to this person, lay your soul bare.
At least you have a soul to lay bare.
At least you have a friend.
At least you have a phone to call this friend.
At least you have a phone with more features than you care to do anything about...
At least you have someone to thank, for whoever you are now, because without them you could not possibly have been here. At least you have someone...
At least you have the money to go out, have a good time, with people who you think are your friends.
At least your parents trust you enough to not give you a hard time about where you've been the last night, when you came home an hour later than you told them you would.
At least you still believe in your own abilities. At least you have some abilities. At least you think you do...
At least with all your possessions, all your friends, your family, all your achievements, all your potential, at least after all least you think you're happy...
Or are you?