
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Go back...

Kings of Convenience - The Weight of My Words (Four Tet Remix) by BallgameTracks

You're light headed.
What a day!
She looked at you!

You met your friends afterwards.
You went back in time.
You talked back to that professor today.
You bunked that class, even though you know you're short on attendance.

Today, you worked at something you don't really like.
You feel like you don't want to work like this anymore.
You need a break.
But she looked at you!

You met your friends after work, though.
It was like you went back in time.
You're light headed.
You'll be more light headed soon!
You're looking forward to a good evening; the decadence of youth.


You're going to think about those halls.
It will be like going back in time.
The laughter!
It's infectious.

Any...possible -

That one time.
Five o' clock?
That one place.

The noise!
So much...fucking noise.

The momentary awkwardness when the girl you asked out that one stupid time walks past.

Did she just look at you?

Wait, did you just go back in time?
Wait, what?

That round was on you.
You love the people you're around right now.
If only you could go back in time.
Get excited about juvenile things.
Fight! Fight! Fight!!

Oh and you know what?
She looked at you!



Thursday, November 15, 2012

Schrödinger's Relationship

Pursuant to my earlier requests, or think of them as 'directions for use', please allow for the uninterrupted playback of the song below, and I suggest you put in your earphones.
Also, in the beginning the song may seem not all that good, believe me it gets so much better, and it enhances this reading experience.

Oh and this article is not about physics. The next two paragraphs are simply necessary in order to explain the title of this post.

Schrödinger was a physicist in the early 20th century. He is most famously known for his thought experiment, popularly known as 'Schrödinger's Cat'.
While a full explanation of this experiment, and it's underlying mechanics would take a much longer and a much more boring and more uninteresting post (however so much you might find this one to be).

At its most trivial, although do read this carefully carefully, think of it simply as follows -
There is a cat. It is kept in an opaque, steel chamber. In that chamber, in a setup that insulates it from any interference from the cat, is a tiny amount of radioactive material - so tiny that in the course of an hour, there is equal probability of the radioactive substance releasing a single atom because of decay as there is of it not releasing it. This radioactivity, if present, is to be detected by a Geiger counter (essentially a device which detects nuclear radiation). On detecting radiation, the geiger counter is to initiate a mechanism that releases deadly hydrocyanic gas in the chamber, which would kill the cat.
Now at any given moment, without observation, the living status of the cat, is a smeared function. Smeared as in, it is a superposition of the cat's states of being either living or dead because of the probabilistic nature of the atom's decay inside the chamber. It is a simultaneously decreasing and increasing function of the probability of the cat's being alive or dead, respectively.
In pure layman's terms, theoretically, at any given moment, Schrödinger's cat is both alive and dead, at the same time.
Again, purely theoretically.

Of course, on observation, the cat's status of being either dead or alive can be determined.
This is simply one of the many seeming absurdities and parodoxes in quantum mechanics.

Moving on, as part of my increasingly absurd insights into human relationships, I propose 'Schrödinger's Relationship'.

When I was very young, there were husbands and wives, and there were other, single men and women who were friends.
It was a purely deterministic environment. You were either married, or you were friends.
I wasn't mature enough then perhaps, to know too much about love, its infinite traps and its own fallacies; or aware of attraction - physical, sexual or otherwise.
But alas, I did become aware eventually and bam! Four states - friends, love interests, girl/boy friends and spouses.
Later, as I became older and lost some of that little boy innocence, the interests category was infused with the first real probabilistic uncertainty - degrees of attraction. Of course, around this time, I was beginning to see the signs that friendships sometimes turned into attraction, which sometimes turned into girl/boy friend relationships, which had the potential to turn into marriage.

Lines were starting to get blurred everywhere. You get the idea.

This is all of course, quite general, and not really the subject of my post. The subject of my post is 'Schrödinger's Relationship'. This special little bugger is a real bitch.

Now, remember 'Schrödinger's Cat' -

There is a boy and a girl. They are kept in relative proximity, say they spend a period of time together, perhaps school, perhaps college, or work...perhaps chance brings them together. In that proximity, there are lots of stimuli - there are biological stimuli, psychological, spatial, visual, fuck even olfactory stimuli. There is an equal probability that these stimuli, in the course of these two individuals' interaction will cause them to engage in a blatantly obvious sexual relationship, and please do not misunderstand me, by sexual I do not mean the physical aspect of it, I use the term merely to distinguish it from the platonic alternative. And by blatantly obvious, I mean that everyone is aware of it's existence, including the participants. There is an equal probability of this happening, and that of it not happening.
But here in lies the rub.
This is still a probabilistic setup, and the relationship status of these two damned souls is smeared.
In pure layman's terms, theoretically, these two people are both just friends and dating at the same time.
Again, purely theoretically, the poor bastards.
Of course, on observation -

This here is the real bitch of the matter.

What if these two people, unaware, blissfully unaware, unobservant and innocent, carry on like this - smeared. Neither here, nor there.


Here is where you have to make a choice. Here is where the beauty of a probabilistic function is forced into becoming a draconian deterministic choice. Either here, or there.
When one of the two decides to observe their relationship, casts an observant but critical look over it, it cannot exist in that glorious smeared state any more. It has to choose to either exist in one state or the other.

But to observe it or not to observe it, that, there, is the god-damned question.

To make it blatantly obvious, or not to. That, there, wins you the million dollars.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Thapar! Now that I'm out... Le premier poste

There are people from Thapar you never met, or seldom ever... never talked or very seldom talked to.
These people who you feel a weird camaraderie with...

Acquaintances that never really turned into friendships...

Sure those friendships were something else entirely, but that's stuff for another, different post. This one, this post is about the people who you kind of knew, but really didn't...

It's a strangely comforting feeling that there are people like you in the world, hopeless romantics, repressed artists, people you think you would've been great friends with, but just weren't...

In Thapar I say, because I have a feeling that Thapar is a sort of place which (in my time atleast), attracted these people (not all mind you, but many)...these people who were always, in the true sense of the word, brilliant...brilliant as fuck.
Not the academic IIT kind of brilliant, nor the social LSR kind of brilliant, a very generic brilliance...
A very well rounded brilliance, if you will...

You all can relate with this post, you from Thapar who're reading this, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
A very repressed brilliance perhaps...

So okay, half the people I know in Thapar could've gone to an IIT, had we slaved for a few more months... So of course there were people there who were painfully aware of this and spent the next four years of their lives trying to desperately compensate for this fact. They compensated for this in various ways (including dating people from IITs...)
I'm not talking about these sorry fucks.

I'm talking about the people who made peace with the fact that this was where they were going to spend the next four years of their lives and they spent these four years being awesome as hell.
And they made those four years awesome.
In very different ways.
A very varied brilliance infact...

A brilliance that made a narcissistic man like me feel mediocre at times...
Only at times though...
I jest!

I'm talking about that amazing guitar player, that guy with the amazing voice, the girl who, when she danced silenced entire auditoriums... the football player who still trolls football forums not giving a fuck about what anyone says, the guy who got into microsoft and still had ten times more fun in four years than most people around him...that poetess, that guy who started out as a compensating could-be-IITian, but met wonderful people who made sure that when he left, there was no place in the entire world he would rather have spent the last four years in...
X-men who made entire hostels laugh and talk!
A very unusual brilliance...

These people, most of them you never really got to know, or not as well as you would have liked to.

But you share with them something sacred. You share with them years of shared experience, you share with them tradition. At the heart of it, you share with them a badge of honour!

It's a good feeling...
It's a hopeful feeling.

Friday, August 10, 2012



The word will lose meaning soon, I shall repeat it often. Her.


You know her. That one. Yeah.

Yeah, you remember that time you met her. What was that first conversation you had with her? God it was awkward! But it would turn into something so awesome so soon. You never knew!
Did you tell her? You were lucky if you did.
Or well, some of us were. The rest of us, we never told her.

Now, so many years later, we're so many years older.
Do you remember her?
Of course you do. You remember her, some days, or if you're one of the unlucky ones, you think of her everyday, that one bird you lost.
You smile when I call her that one 'bird'.

What have you become?
Are you the same man who fell in love with her? It's been so long. Do you even remember her?
Of course you do. You remember her, some days.

You have that song, you do!


And you listen to this song and you think about her.
Do you remember that time you met her? What was that first conversation you had with her?

What was the last conversation you had with her?
You remember that last conversation better than you remember the first one, don't you?

Do you remember she hurt you?
Now you do. Remember...

It's been years. It's fading, your memory of her. You don't remember her face. Like the rain, it falls and it washes away every day at a time.

Sometimes, as you plug in your earphones as you go to work/class in the morning, you think of her. As you're crossing the street, you think of her, crossing the street in the opposite direction, and you lock eyes, and you realise she misses you as much as you miss her.
She's not really there, is she?

Yeah, but you don't remember her.

Plug in your earphones.
You know her. That one? Yeah...

Yeah, you remember the time you met her...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42

I consider myself to be a logical person.
I guess when your entire education has closely revolved around finding logical solutions to problems, there is little else you can hope to be.
I tend to look for meanings behind things, try to reconstruct scenarios, work out otherwise mundane stuff just because I can't help it.
I also can't help but come to the logical conclusion, that there is no meaning to it all, the grand question of life, the underlying principle of existence, the reason why we are all here. It is just not there. There is no grand solution, no profound answer, no meaning...and for all that 'great' people say, they are usually as lost as we always have been.

Also, as part of my continuing experiments with good music and my more emotional outbursts on this blog, I'm embedding this video here -
Press the play button, then pause it and let it buffer. I'll let you know when it would be best to play it, a bit further ahead. (Thanks for listening to a horrendously demanding writer, as somebody he's lucky to have reading what he spews).

Back on topic, Douglas Adams, author of the brilliant and awesomely comical 'The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy' had it right when he said that the smartest computer ever invented by any beings of the universe seemed to have calculated the answer to the ultimate question as '42'.
It is as coherent and as meaningful as an answer like this can possibly get.
I feel horribly frightened sometimes when I see people who I meet everyday, usually much older than I am, but with very little more insight into what it's all about! It confirms my recent belief that I might never find meaning in existence.

Oh, and you can play the video now, I guess. (It gets a bit loud near the end, so keep the volume sane.)

If it's all about getting ahead, getting the good degree, passing the right exam, bagging the perfect job - it has no meaning...
If it's all about finding the right person, having the cutest kids, living the perfect life - it never really happens. People are happy for a few years and then they either resign into a routine or break apart their families. Either way, it has no meaning...

The thing is, I don't think we can ever be happy with anything constant. We're wired to get bored. And there are some things you're just not allowed to get bored of.
You're not allowed to get bored of your wife, you're not allowed to get bored of your career, you're not allowed to get bored of sanity, you're not allowed to get bored of conformity, you're not allowed to get bored of normalcy.

I see some daily wage worker on the street. He's smoking a 'beedi'. He's smoking his death and staring out into nothingness.
He is not unaware of the fact that he is not rich. He is also not unaware of the fact that he will never be rich.
I see this daily wage worker smoking a 'beedi' staring out into nothingness and the trivialness of it all suddenly hits me. I could've been born him. And it's all fun and games to say, 'He could've made something of his life, or you could've made something of it were you born with his.'
Bullshit, that man's destiny was pretty much sealed the day he was born.
He is not unaware of the fact that if he dies a fraction more comfortable than he is now, he will have been immensely lucky.
And he'll still father seven kids before he dies. He knows more than any of us will ever know that life is a cruel fucking bitch. And he will still bring seven more sad souls into the world to live miserable lives.
Not miserable because of material reasons.
Miserable because that's the last laugh that life is going to have, I'm sure; she will, in your dying moments put on a wicked smile and say, 'Gotcha!'
'You had the perfect life, you had the cute kids, you earned your money, but man...I win!'
So if the result of the game is already fixed, where is the meaning in playing it, especially with rules that rarely even let us enjoy it.
In the current social construct of a good life, no one gets to have it.
I'm slowly venturing into the abstract now...
If it's such a game of dice, why are there even rules?
Rules favour players who follow them because the game rewards these players for not breaking them.

I want a better victory. I want a more complete and final triumph than any that I can get playing with these rules.

My victory will perhaps not be generally acknowledged to be one, but in my dying moments, when life finally reveals herself to me, I want a victory that ensures she'll smile and say, 'Well played.'

And then I will say to her, 'Well tried.'

Friday, May 18, 2012

Things that I have learnt...

In all honesty, this will be it comes to me -

These things that I have learnt in my life...

  • In every relationship, power is never in balance.
  • The cons in choosing a diet coke over a normal one are far outweighed by the pros.
  • Driving really slow is sometimes much more fun than driving really fast.
  • Professors (all the faculty) in TU, their bark is almost always much worse than their bite. Never take unnecessary chances though.
  • It never hurts to be on good terms with security guards. Even if it costs a hundred bucks a month.
  • Never talk about a guy behind his back. Guys take it worse than girls. Girls expect it. Guys never do.
  • Never tell a girl any secrets, unless you trust her enough to have her meet your parents intimately.
  • Treasure blood relationships. In times of great turmoil and sadness, you inevitably think of them. Personally, I'm a single child, but some of the relationships I most treasure are first cousins, even if we talk very seldom.
  • Guys make the best of friends, if you're a guy. They will never hurt you knowingly, you will never be jealous of their relationship with someone else, and you can always vent in front of them without them taking it personally.
  • Guys make the best of friends, even if you're a girl. They will never want to hurt you, they will be jealous of all your other guy friends, making you feel good about yourself, and you can always vent in front of them without them taking it personally. Sure, there will always be a few of us, who will fall in love with you, leaving you with a difficult choice, but it's not our fault. Us guys, we're just built that way, I guess.
  • Never trust someone when they say, 'Never leave me.' 
  • Always trust someone when they say, 'I'll never leave you.'
  • Always drive slow on narrow residential roads. You never know when an old lady on a scooty will come zooming down out of an open gate.
  • If you think you're parked at an awkward angle, you are.
  • Never offer to pay at a restaurant when with friends, with the idea that the rest will pay you back outside - you'll always end up paying a larger share.
  • When buying a phone, or a computer, never believe friends' opinions, they are naturally biased because they have spent a lot of money on their own devices and will defend them to the ends of the earth. Trust only in neutral reviews online. GSMArena for phones, and CNet for everything else are good options.
  • When angry, open up a word file, and write about the things that are making you angry. Make a list. Most things will seem inconsequential once you read them to yourself.
  • In New Delhi, always stay on the left at traffic lights. (I guess everyone knows this, but thanks dad!)
  • The night before a long trip, make a playlist of good songs you haven't heard in a long while. You won't even realize when you reach your destination.
  • When in love, never let them know unless you know for sure that they're emotionally invested in you at least a little. It's the same for guys and for girls. Girls will run away scared if they're not, and guys will not take you seriously ever after unless they are not.
  • Again, unless you're sure they're equally or more, emotionally invested in you than you are in them, never admit any feelings. It is just making it harder for yourself.
    Chances are, in an existing relationship, if you're developing feelings for the other person, the other person is too (unless of course, pardon my insensitivity, you're INCREDIBLY unattractive). So it makes little sense to put yourself out there, and be shot down. It makes much more sense, however, to let your relationship mature on it's own. Then act as it seems fit.
    Premature expression (like the other E-word) will kill a relationship in it's infancy.
  • Guys, never let her know she's extremely important to you. You've already lost if you do; somehow females know this instinctively. We males don't. 
  • (For lightening the suddenly somber mood...) Never fart when you have diarrhoea. It's just plain risky.
  • A bit of light acoustic music when you're sad only fucking worsens matters. Listen to metal! Listen to misogynistic and dirty, ugly rock! You'll feel better.
  • People who you've found you have good, interesting conversations with (it's usually about very esoteric topics, with these kind of people), never let them go. I once laughed about facebook's instagram acquisition with someone, and later that night I found myself thinking I couldn't possibly have that conversation ever again, with anyone else. It was an inexplicably wonderful feeling.
  • A short drive alone, with just yourself never hurt anybody.
  • A long, loud, crazy and decadent night of partying with tons of people never hurt anybody either.
  • Your morning glory poo time is the best time to read the newspaper.
  • A bad day is cured by a good long shower.
  • A restaurant that serves a good 'keema naan with gravy' is one of the best restaurants in town, if only for that one thing.
  • A McVeggie has considerably more calories than a McChicken. (Look it up, if you don't believe me.)
  • Your conscience is not always correct.
  • God is a concept we were brought up with. Had we been brought up with the concept of atheism, most of us would have been atheists. I, personally am not an atheist, but I believe that the concept of God should be one that is naturally arrived at, not instilled in childhood.
  • In continuation of the previous idea, this is (to the best of my knowledge) an original quote, 'Spirituality fails where religion prospers.'
  • Learn how to swim. (Even if you don't regularly swim, it's just better if you know how to than to not.)
  • If you're less than 25, do not let anyone (read parents), force you to marry. Even if you're older than 25, the word force should come into play when making your decision.
  • Travel. I know I want to. 
  • Maintain good relationships with the opposite sex. It's unhealthy if you cannot.
  • A person who is still friends with your 'ex', or your version of an 'ex', is definitely not still friends with you; whatever he/she might say. Do not trust these people. Diplomacy works only in politics, and good friendships have nothing to do with politics.
  • Do not denounce something just because your parents did. Experience it yourself, and then decide what you want to do with it.
  • If a relationship turns sour, never be the one who bad-mouths the other. If you do, you'll be the villain no matter what happened originally. Act dignified, even if it hurts you to do so. It'll pay in the long run.
  • Do not pick fights. If you do happen to pick one, never back down.
  • Experiment. You will never truly have lived unless you do. You will have lived only on others' advice and/or mistakes and/or triumphs. You will have been completely unoriginal.
Most of all -
  • Never forsake your dreams.

For those who read this, I thank you...subscribe to this blog (the button is probably just to the right of where this post begins). I promise to only bother you with a post once a month.

Also, add your own learnings in the comments.
I would love to hear them.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Before anybody begins to read, I want to ensure that everyone understands that what follows, in bold italics, is not something that I have written, it is something that I found in the vast expanse of the internet, quite a long time ago, and it is something I just wanted to share. It is a passage both wondrous and thought provoking-->

"In the lingering moments before you die, your body releases DMT. The same drug that makes you dream. The same drug found in every living creature. It’s not an evolutionary trick to make you survive. Your body is choosing to release this drug now because it believes your fate its too grim for you to comprehend. So you dream. You dream that everything will be fine. You dream that nothing happened at all. It’s in this moment that your body sits across from you. It tells you “look, like, we’re not going to make it this time.” It shares a drink with you as you recollect the past before soon parting ways back to the atomic ether. Your body does this because it loves you. You have never met anybody like your body. Your body has been with you every day, good and bad. It’s even kept a journal of your life carved in scars. Your eyelashes always wiped the tears from your eyes."

I dare anyone to look into a mirror and find anyone better than the person you see.
If you can, you are lying.

You are the best(est) friend that you have ever known. 
You, you shall come to realise, are the only person in the entire world you can completely and unflinchingly trust.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to you. Period.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Here I sit...

Here I sit, in the back of my parents’ car; my dad is driving, my mom is sitting in the passenger seat, I’m sitting in the back seat like a good boy.
It’s a warm, fuzzy, wonderful feeling.
A few minutes ago, I felt a sudden, inexplicably wonderful regression to my childhood, when such scenes were everyday.
Here I sit, in the back of my parents’ car; with my earphones on, feeling like what Soundgarden would say, ‘Blow up the outside world!’
Here I sit, in the back of my parents’ car; with my earphones, listening to loud Linkin Park and mellow Green Day, just like the teenaged boy who I never grew up from.
A few minutes ago, I just wanted to write this down, to remember this feeling. It is a good feeling. I feel like a boy.

I feel like a boy.

So I whipped out my computer.
You know when you open up a laptop in the backseat of a car, GT Road is suddenly not a single bit as smooth as you remembered it.
The sun was in my eyes, from the right window, just a while ago; there’s a pillow on the seat next to me. I grabbed it, slid down the right window a little, stuck a little piece of the fabric of the pillowcase outside the sliver of an opening, and pushed the window right back up.
Sun problem solved.
I tap my mom on the shoulder, and point out the wonderful thing I’ve just done. She smiles, my dad asks what I’m talking about, she tells him. He smiles too.
I feel like such a kid!
There’s a grin wider than my face on my lips.
This is so stupid.
Why does this amuse me?

Here I sit, in the back of my parents’ car; and now Trapt scream their lungs out.

I’m going to Delhi!
I’m going to meet my friends! This is such a ‘yay’ moment!
Well there’s the slightly serious matter of an interview to get through before all that.
There’s a printout of all the key points in this year’s budget on the seat beside me.
When did I grow up so much?

Here I sit, in the back of my parents’ car; I’m reading about the budget, and about Mahindra Satyam’s merger.
Wait, wait! Back to the regressively (is that even a word?) wonderful moment, wait no, wonderfully regressive moment(yes that's better) I had some time ago.

Here I sit, in the back of my parents’ car; Chester Bennington’s sweet melodious voice slowly starts singing ‘My December’ in my ears…

And I’m a kid again, when I still used to wonder what Chester was so sad about…I didn’t know then…

Wait, wait!
I’m a kid again…

EDIT - uploaded from my phone, yay technology!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Rant 2.0

Like my man Harvey Dent says in that Batman movie, 'You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.'
It's the same thing in torrid friendships. You either get out of them early, all happy and content, or see yourself get humiliated for something that happened so quick you never even saw it coming.

This is me going off on one of my rants again. Oops I did it again... Hit me baby one more time.
I might use that word or one of its many lovely derivatives a lot in this post.
Please leave if you are easily offended, I don't need you reading my fucking blog.

One of my core beliefs is, and I probably read about it or heard it somewhere a long time ago, it is the fact that in all relationships, every single one of them - not just the romantic ones, there is a loser and there is a winner. Take any personal relationship that you have, if you cannot identify the loser in 3 seconds, I'm sorry, but you're him/her. There is an upper hand, there always is...and it may change during the lifetime of that relationship, but someone always has the upper hand. It is always the person who needs the other person less. That, there, is the upper hand.
Now, don't get all idealistic on me, and say, relationship with so & so is perfect, we both need and love and cherish each other the equal amount.
Get real.
I've seen too many of these perfect fucking relationships go to shit all around me in the last 6 years to even care anymore.

*awesome inspirational advertisement music*
Are you trampled by the moral and ethical code that society has decided for you?
Are you feeling cramped by the way that you're supposed to behave?
Do you feel the need to break free?
Is there something else you'd rather be doing than trudging along society's agreed upon 'good' path?

Well if so, I have the perfect solution for you!
Man the fuck...up! You little bitch, grow some balls!

Drink that beer! Smoke that joint! Read that book! Play that guitar!
Get high! Get laid! Get a BJ! Give a BJ!
Fall in love! Fall out of love! Tell that bitch she's obnoxious! Tell that asshole he's dumb!
Make friends! Make enemies! Get in a fight!
Drive faster than you've ever driven before! Brake harder than you've ever braked before!
And for all you nerds out there... STUDY FOR THAT EXAM!!! HARDER THAN EVAAR!
*awesome inspirational advertisement music ends*

Get laid, goddamit! Oh and yes, I've heard all the arguments... This is so immoral, we're being 'westernised'; oh woe this corrupted youth of today!
I'll tell you what, so many people I know, they need to get laid, they positively need to have SEX... S-E-X!!!
The sexual frustration I see in most people is fucking terrifying!!!
Fuck it, if you couldn't get laid yourself, suddenly it's immoral? All this shit that happens around Valentine's day? It's pathetic! Believe me, in my opinion V-day is a shitty hallmark holiday; it holds no meaning for me what-so-ever, but to outlaw it, like so many vigilantes love to do, is outrageous!

'Love marriage'? Why do they call it a 'love marriage'? Isn't that fucking redundant? What other kind is there? What's the point of marrying if you're not in love?
Oh hey! It's just sanction to get laid, woohoo!!!

You know what I'm talking about...
I'm talking about that girl who thinks she's too good for you!
I'm talking about that guy who's a lying scumbag!
That professor who gives you a hard time just because he's in a sham of a marriage, or because his kids think he's a loser.
That traitorous 'friend' you once had who betrayed you like a little bitch.

Fuck them. Enjoy yourself. Live!
Viva La Vida!