It's the same thing in torrid friendships. You either get out of them early, all happy and content, or see yourself get humiliated for something that happened so quick you never even saw it coming.
This is me going off on one of my rants again. Oops I did it again... Hit me baby one more time.
I might use that word or one of its many lovely derivatives a lot in this post.
Please leave if you are easily offended, I don't need you reading my fucking blog.
One of my core beliefs is, and I probably read about it or heard it somewhere a long time ago, it is the fact that in all relationships, every single one of them - not just the romantic ones, there is a loser and there is a winner. Take any personal relationship that you have, if you cannot identify the loser in 3 seconds, I'm sorry, but you're him/her. There is an upper hand, there always is...and it may change during the lifetime of that relationship, but someone always has the upper hand. It is always the person who needs the other person less. That, there, is the upper hand.
Now, don't get all idealistic on me, and say, relationship with so & so is perfect, we both need and love and cherish each other the equal amount.
Get real.
I've seen too many of these perfect fucking relationships go to shit all around me in the last 6 years to even care anymore.
*awesome inspirational advertisement music*
Are you trampled by the moral and ethical code that society has decided for you?
Are you feeling cramped by the way that you're supposed to behave?

Is there something else you'd rather be doing than trudging along society's agreed upon 'good' path?
Well if so, I have the perfect solution for you!
Man the fuck...up! You little bitch, grow some balls!
Drink that beer! Smoke that joint! Read that book! Play that guitar!
Get high! Get laid! Get a BJ! Give a BJ!
Fall in love! Fall out of love! Tell that bitch she's obnoxious! Tell that asshole he's dumb!
Make friends! Make enemies! Get in a fight!
Drive faster than you've ever driven before! Brake harder than you've ever braked before!
And for all you nerds out there... STUDY FOR THAT EXAM!!! HARDER THAN EVAAR!
*awesome inspirational advertisement music ends*
Get laid, goddamit! Oh and yes, I've heard all the arguments... This is so immoral, we're being 'westernised'; oh woe this corrupted youth of today!
I'll tell you what, so many people I know, they need to get laid, they positively need to have SEX... S-E-X!!!
The sexual frustration I see in most people is fucking terrifying!!!
Fuck it, if you couldn't get laid yourself, suddenly it's immoral? All this shit that happens around Valentine's day? It's pathetic! Believe me, in my opinion V-day is a shitty hallmark holiday; it holds no meaning for me what-so-ever, but to outlaw it, like so many vigilantes love to do, is outrageous!
'Love marriage'? Why do they call it a 'love marriage'? Isn't that fucking redundant? What other kind is there? What's the point of marrying if you're not in love?
Oh hey! It's just sanction to get laid, woohoo!!!
You know what I'm talking about...
I'm talking about that girl who thinks she's too good for you!
I'm talking about that guy who's a lying scumbag!
That professor who gives you a hard time just because he's in a sham of a marriage, or because his kids think he's a loser.
That traitorous 'friend' you once had who betrayed you like a little bitch.
Fuck them. Enjoy yourself. Live!
Viva La Vida!